Monday 25 June 2018

My Cat Artwork

This week we have been reading a shared book about a naughty cat called Crumpet.  Today, we looked at a non fiction book about different types of cats. We made a brainstorm about all the facts we knew about cats. Then Mrs O showed us some paintings of cats and we looked at the different ways artists had painted cats. We then decided what kind of cat we wanted to create an artwork for. We had to make decisions about the media we wanted to use. Here is my artwork: 

My cat is flying away. He eats fish and he is flying to get fish.
He said goodbye to the other cats in the house. The other cat is saying bye bye.

Sunday 24 June 2018

Going On a Bear Hunt

For literacy this week, Mrs O has been reading the story 'Going On A Bear Hunt'. It has been so much fun listening to and acting out the story. On Friday, we brought our special bears and friends to school. We took them on a bear hunt. 

We imagined our bush was the big dark forest. We found wavy grass and thick oozy mud to walk through. We made the sounds of a swirling snowstorm and then we pretended to see a dark gloomy cave. We went in and..... we imagined that we saw a bear. Aghhh! We ran back to class as quick as we could! 

Friday 22 June 2018

Student Led Conference

Emily enjoyed celebrating her learning with her Mum when they came to her Student Led Conference. She shared her writing and read a story from her storybox. 

Great sharing Emily!

Thursday 14 June 2018

Grandparents Day

Today we had Grandparent and Special Friend Day at school. It was wonderful to have so many whānau and friends in Te Kākano. We enjoyed showing everyone around our class environment, sharing our favourite spaces and work.  

Emily loved showing her Granddad how to build and play in a make believe house. 

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Playing Houses

Emily has been enjoying making houses during learn through play. She will carefully stack wooden blocks on top of each other to create the walls, making sure that she leaves an opening for the door.  She then sets her house up with tables and chairs and books to read. 

It has been wonderful to see how many visitors Emily has been getting. Her peers pretend to knock on the door and Emily calls "Come in". They may stay for a cup of tea or a biscuit which Emily pretends to make and sometimes even a story. At the end of the visit, Emily and her friends wave goodbye to each other. There is a lot of role playing and socialising occuring and Emily is enjoying her learning very much.

Saturday 9 June 2018

Geometry Picture

We have been looking at making pictures with the geometry shape blocks. We had to use different shapes to make a picture. My picture is of birds flying above trees. Can you see what different shapes I used?